DATE : March 20, 2023
Dear Fellow Members
NOTICE is hereby given as INVITATION for the 13th Annual General Assembly Meeting on May 26, 2023 (Friday) 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at St. Jude Cooperative Hotel and Event Center with a theme: “CONTINUING OUR ADVOCACY: MICROINSURANCE PROTECTION”
Order of Business:
A. Invocation
Prayer will be led by the facilitator of the program.
B. Call to Order
The President of the Board and presiding officer shall call the meeting to order.
C. Proof of Due Notice
The Corporate Secretary will inform the body regarding sending of Notice of 13th Annual General Assembly Meeting. It is also posted on CARE MBA’s website and Facebook account. It is also distributed to our partners one month before the AGM.
D. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
The Corporate Secretary will make a roll call and determine the quorum, at least two-thirds of the active members’ attendance constitutes a quorum.
E. Approval of the Proposed Agenda
The representatives/members may suggest and approve the proposed agenda.
F. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of the 12th Annual General Assembly Meeting
The representatives/members will read and review the minutes of the 12th Annual General Assembly Meeting held last May 27, 2022 via zoom video conferencing. The said minutes is posted on CARE MBA website last April 18, 2022 and advance copy was also distributed on the same date.
G. Business Arising from the Minutes of last 12th Annual General Assembly Meeting
Report of unfinished business/es, updates for members, questions and clarifications from the previous meeting, if any.
H. Annual Report
- President’s Report
Mrs. Criselda R. Abuel the President of the association will render her report, for acceptance of the general assembly.
- Operations Report
The operations report will be delivered by the General Manager.
I. Treasurer’s Report
The summary report of the key Financial Statement’s figures as of December 31, 2022, as reported by QUILAB & GARSUTA, CPAs, external auditor is to be reported by the Treasurer of CARE MBA, Inc.
J. Committee Reports
The respective Committee Chairpersons will render their report of accomplishments for the year 2022.
K. Matters for Approval and Ratification
- Board and Management Action -The General Assembly will approve the Consolidated Reports of the Board of Trustees and Management, presented by the President.
- Appointment of the External Auditor– The representatives/members will approve the appointment of the External Auditor to be presented by the Chairperson of the Audit Committee.
- Approval of 2023 Budget
L. Election Proper
The Chairman of Election Committee will present the election guidelines, introduce the candidates and discuss the process of voting system for the following vacant positions:
- Two (2) Board of Trustees
- One (1) Independent Trustee
- Two (2) Election Committee
M. Awarding of Certificates
CARE MBA, Inc. will give recognition to the following who contributed to the association’s growth and development:
- Recognition of New Partners
- Top 3 Highest New Members Enrolled on 2022
- Top 3 Highest Members Retention 2022
- Awarding of Certificates to Outgoing Officers
- Loyalty Award / 5-year of Service Employees
N. Result of Election 2023
The Chairman of the Election Committee will announce the result of election validated by the Chairperson of the Audit Committee/Independent Trustee.
O. Oath taking/Induction of Newly Elected Officers
The newly elected officers will take an oath in front of representatives/members before assuming their positions as Board of Trustees, Independent Trustee and Election Committee.
P. Other Matters/Open Forum
The floor is open for open forum and discussions. Members/representatives may raise issues and concerns to the general assembly.
Q. Adjournment
There having no other matters to be discussed, the Annual General Assembly Meeting ends.
In relation to this, please find the enclosed pro forma of PROXY STATEMENT, for one (1) member/s to represent your cooperative/organization during the said Annual General Assembly Meeting.
For inquiries and confirmation of your participation, please contact us through our phone number (042) 373-7789, cell phone number 0998-861-0358 or 0947-997-9224, or e mail at mbacare@yahoo.com.ph on or before May 15, 2023.